ECE 5725 Final Project

Raspberry Pi based Rubik's Cube Solver

Presented by Yiming Ou(yo236) & Xinni Cheng(xc443)

Supervised by Professor Joseph F. Skovira


For this final project, we built a Raspberry Pi based rubik’s cube solver. The optimal goal of this project is to construct a robot that is able to automatically recognize the initial state of a rubik’s cube, come up with a solution, and solve the cube.

A complete machanical setup has been built (shown in Figure 1-1 & Figure 1-2). The main materials for the robot are acrylic and wood. A raspberry Pi is used for overall processing and control. 8 standard servos are applied for both directional and rotational movements. A Pi camera placed at the bottom is for scanning the faces of the rubik’s cube. In the final demonstration, the robot is able to scan the faces of the rubik’s cube and recognizes the colors of each face with 2-3 recognition mistakes. Besides, when a correct initial state is entered, the robot can start to solve the rubik’s cube with some correct operations but fails to complete the whole process due to inaccuracy in claw operations.

image 1

Figure 1-1 Mechinal Setup (1)

image 2

Figure 1-2 Mechinal Setup (2)

Some detailed discussions on the design and testing of this project are demonstrated in ‘Design and Testing’. Some videos that are made during testing are shown in ‘Result’. The main topic will be in ‘Future Improvements’ where we discuss about what could be done better if time permits and a short summary of the deficiency of this project is presented. A list of materials that are applied and the corresponding cost are presented in ‘Budget’. In ‘References’, some website links that we searched from are shown. A complete code work is displayed in ‘Code Appendix’.

Design & Testing

(1) Mechanical Setup and Hardware Designs:

image 9

Figure 2 Hardware connections

a. Three Layers

There are three layers in total. The first layer is designed for placing circuits , connections with outside equipment such as keyboard, mouse, monitor and RPi. All the wires are connected from this layer. The second layer is for placing standard servos that are used for directional movements. Besides, the Pi camera is also placed on this layer. This layer is made of wood. The third layer which is also made of acrylic is used for placing servos that are for controlling the claws rotationally. This is also where rubik’s cube is placed. The height between the first and the second layer is around 5cm and the height between the second and the third layer is around 6.7 cm which is suitable for the Pi camera to take picture of the face of the rubik’s cube.

The third layer are designed with four slides where the 4 servos on the second layers can easily control the claws to move on the slides and go forwards and backwards. Also, there is a 5.5 cm circular hole in the center where Pi camera takes pictures through the hole and records the faces of the rubik’s cube. Detailed design is presented in Figure 2-1. This is achieved by Fusion software and laser cut.

image 3

Figure 2-1 Design of the third layer

b. Claws

There are four claws to control the four sides of the rubik’s cube. The length of a claw is design to be slightly wider than the size of the cube so that we can attach tape on contact surface in order to perfectly fit the claws with the cube. As Figure 1-1 suggests, we apply rubber bands to adjust the orientations of the claws. The design of the claw is presented below, and this is also achieved by Fusion software and laser cut.

image 4

Figure 2-2 Design of claw
image 5

Figure 2-3 Graph of claw

(2) Software Designs:

a. Standard Servo Controls

As mentioned before, there are 8 servos in total. 4 standard servos are served for controlling the claws to move forwards and backwards, the other 4 servos are for rotational controls. The software control of the servos are as below: Each servo has three connections: 5V Power Supply, Ground and GPIO pin. Servos are controlled through PWM. Duty cycle and period are used to determine the directions of the servos (clockwise/counter-clockwise) and the rotation angles of the servos(90 degrees/180 degrees). The GPIO pins that are used are: 6, 5, 13, 26, 21, 19, 16, 12.

b. Camera Program

In order to take pictures of each side of the cube, a program related to this function is written. In order to eliminate the number of operations, we first take pictures of the back side, upper side and front side. This is because that they are on the same axis. After that, we take pictures of the left side and right side. It is worth mentioning that the rotational range of the servo is between 0 degree and 180 degrees. Therefore, we need to be careful of the current state of each servo in order to prevent mistakes.

c. KNN-based Image Recognition Algorithm

In order to recognize the color of each square of the rubik’s cube, machine learning is applied for recognition. 30 different 40x40 images are used for training set. The reason for setting size as 40x40 is that it is convenient since the average value has already been calculated. RGB is applied in the project during machine learning. When analyzing one color, we divide the color into R value, G value and B value and they are trained respectively. 30 different images mean that each color will have a size of 45 training set. The value of K is set as 3 after testing.

In order to prevent mistakes, in recognition process, the average value of a range of pixels is calculated. For example, for the upper-left square, the average value of the pixels whose x-axis are [9,12] and y-axis are [9,12] is considered.

The flowchart is as below:

image 6

Figure 2-4 KNN classifier
image 9

Figure 2-5 An example of taking average of a range of pixels

d. Kociemba Algorithm

After taking pictures of each side of the rubik’s cube. The recognition results are placed into one single string following the order: “U1U2U3 U4U5U6U7U8U9R1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9F1F2F3F4 F56F7F8F9D1D2D34D5D6D7D8D9L1L2L3L4L5L6L7L8L9B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9” and the corresponding numbers are based on Figure 2-5.

By importing package “Kociemba” and apply this string as input: “kociemba.solve(‘U1U2U3U4U5U6U7U8U9R1R2R3R4R5 R6R7R8R9F1F2 F3F4F56F7F8F9D1D2 D34D5D6D7D8D9L1L2L3L4L5L6L7L8 L9B1B2B3B 4B5B6B7B8B9’)”. The solution will then be returned through a single string for example: “U U2 F’ B’ B2 F2 R”. A single letter : U/F/B/R/L/D means the corresponding side need to be rotated clockwise 90 degree. A single letter with the number ‘2’ like ‘U2’ means this side need to be rotated 180 degrees. A single letter followed by an apostrophe means the face need to be rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees.

image 7

Figure 2-6 Facelet position of the cube

e. Claw Operations

Basic operations where more complex operations are based on need to be defined in advance. Basic operations include: clockwise rotation for front, right, left and back side. Counterclockwise rotation for front, right left and back side. More complex operations include rotations on upper side and down side, rotations over 180 degrees.

Here is an example of rotation on front side:

image 8

Figure 2-7 Example of basic claw rotation

First, the servo for rotational movement rotates 90 degrees, and then the claw is dragged out by the servo for directional movement. The claw the rotates counterclockwise 90 degrees to get back to the initial state. After that, the claw is placed back to the initial location.


Demonstration Video

Future Improvements

(1) Short summary of this project

This is a challenging project that requires really high standard of accuracy of the servos. We spent around 2-3 weeks for the mechanical construction and another 2-3 weeks for image processing and adjustments on claw rotation acuuracy. The image recognition works well when the colours are scattered. However, it may fail to reciognize when there is side where the majority colours are red, orange and yellow. Besides, for simple operations, the claws work well. However, there are some rotational errors when flipping the whole cube. Although we have tried very hard during this 5 weeks, we failed to have all the functions work as expected. The image recognition part need to be improved and the cube rotations should be more accurate.


a.Image recognition

Initially, we applied basic image processing for color recognition. We set a range for the R, G and B values for each color. Whichever color that satify the range will be recognised as the corresponding color. This method works fine when the location of the robot does not change. However, due to the changes of outside environments such as light intensity, it fails to recognise the colors.

We applied image recognitin with supervised machine learning techniques instead. KNN classifer was chosen for recognition as it is simple and easy to implement. It does work better than just simple image processing. However, when there are many red, orange or yellow colors on one side, the contrast would result in making orange colors very close to red colors. This causes some mistakes on recognition.

For future improvements, we can apply OpenCV techniques to detect the location of the cube first, and then recognize the colors.Besides, we can have a larger training set in order to improve the recognition accuracy. Also, as what professor has suggested, we may tuned the Picamerain order to have the camera focus on the face of the cube. Some LEDs can also be added to light up the whole image.

b.Rotation Accuracy

In this project, what we did to improve the accuracy of the claw rotations is to adjust the PWM cycles and PWM duty cycle step by step. However, this is obvious not an efficient and clever way. Moreover, since the servos are not perfect, they can still become inaccurate even when we apply a perfect PWM signal. Therefore, this is not an ideal solution.

Based on this, the future improvements should be by adding some feedbacks on each operation. By doing so, the robot can adjust the next operation based on the current errors. One possible way to do it is to apply IR diodes. They can be placed besides the cube and see if the receiver can received the IR signal. If not, it means that the cube is twisted so that it blocks the routine and therefore some operations need to be taken in order to prevent further mistakes. This could be one posible solution for rotation accuracy.


We really appreciate the people and organizations who have helped us throughout the whole project.

Prof. Skovira - Advise on hardware, mechanical, and provided components include servos and piCamera, helped us cut the wood
Prof. Land - Advise on hardware, mechanical design
TA Canhui Yu - Advise on mechanical design and mental support
TA Michael - Advise on drilling techniques
RPL Cornell - laser cut
Maker Lab - Provided drills, glue, screws and other hardware

Team Members

image 3

Xinni Cheng (ECE M.Eng student)

Mechanical Design, Machine Learning, Testing, Website design



Yiming Ou (ECE M.Eng student)

Mechanical Design, Kociemba Algorithm, Testing, Website Design




# Name Price Quantity Total price
1 Raspberry Pi From lab 1 From lab
2 Pi camera From lab 1 From lab
3 Standard motor From lab 8 From lab
4 Rubik’s cube $7.99 1 $7.99

